720 XTF Search Results (freeformQuery=irish;expand=subject;f1-subject=Irish Children's Fund);expand%3Dsubject;f1-subject%3DIrish%20Children's%20Fund Results for your query: freeformQuery=irish;expand=subject;f1-subject=Irish Children's Fund Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Creative Irish Gifts Catalog Company Records. Creative Irish Gifts Catalog Company Creative Irish Gifts Catalog Company (f. 1986) was established in Illinois by Robert and Diane O'Connor, and in later years moved to northeast Ohio. Robert (b. 1939) was born in Dublin, Ireland, growing up during a time of much strife in Northern Ireland. His childhood experience left him with an impression that has remained with him all his life. To help ease the suffering of the children in Northern Ireland, he and his wife, Diane (nee Baron) decided to set up a fund to allow Protestant and Catholic children from the most derelict areas of Belfast and Derry, Northern Ireland, to come to the United States and spend a few weeks with a host family. The goal is to foster positive relations between the two groups, and is followed with various outings, events, and retreats back in Northern Ireland. The O'Connor's established Creative Irish Gifts Catalog Company, which is based in Streetsboro, Ohio. The company provides a variety of products made in Ireland, through their catalog. Creative Irish Gifts Catalog func... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Robert O'Connor Family Papers. O'Connor, Robert Family Robert O'Connor (b. 1939) was born in Dublin, Ireland, and immigrated in 1964 to New York, as there was such high unemployment in Ireland at that time. After completing a science degree, he traveled first to the United Kingdom, and subsequently to the United States. He moved to Chicago, Illinois, as part of a job transfer, and a new career took him to Ohio in 1988. O'Connor married Diane Baron in 1967, and together they have four children. Since coming to the United States, O'Connor went back to Ireland once to seek employment, but did not find the same opportunities there as in the United States. O'Connor has traced his family history in Ireland back a number of generations, identifying relationships primarily with the Sullivan family in County Cork. Living and growing up in Ireland during the turbulent times of the 1960s and 1970s left a deep impression on O'Connor. Believing that children are the true victims of the conflict in Northern Ireland, O'Connor and his wife set up The Irish Children's Fund in 1... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT